Monday, October 5, 2009

Un-jokes are wicked

Yes... yes they are.

Bill Bailey is the best exponent of this underrated branch of comedy: 'Three blokes walk into a pub. 'One of them is a little more stupid than the other two, and the whole scene plays out with a tedious inevitability'.

Here is one I'm happy to say I whipped up myself in my alarming amount of free time: The Englishman, the Irishman and the Scotsman walk into a bar. As they do they bump into the Welshman. The Welshman says 'I thought you guys said you were busy tonight'. The Englishman says 'er..well', and they all just stood there....
It was awkward.

The last line is inspired by the brilliant narrating work of Ron Howard in Arrested Development.

1 comment:

  1. I happen to love that joke!
    I shall be following this blawg with great interest!
    See? I'm already a follower.
